Thursday 8 November 2012

Ancient Egypt With Year 3 and 4

Our Visit to Ancient Egypt

We all put on Ancient Egyptian costumes and then looked at the artefacts in the museum.
With the help of ‘Alice' we found out all about what the Egyptians believed and looked at several Egyptian artefacts.

Once we had all put on our Egyptian costumes ‘Alice’ then explained what the Ancient Egyptians believed happened when we die.
The Egyptians would try and preserve the bodies of people by taking out some major organs and then soaking them in salt before wrapping them in cotton and making a ‘mummy’. We made Olivia into a ‘mummy ‘ by wrapping her in bandages. She was very good at laying still for a very long time!!

Finding out facts about Ancient Egypt at the museum.

We looked at the artefacts in the museum to help us find out about life in Ancient Egypt.  They used hieroglyphics to communicate.

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