Tuesday 24 April 2012

Year 1 and 2 got the term off to a great start with a trip to ‘Making It’ in Mansfield on Wednesday 18th April.  Many thanks to Mr Snowdon and Cassie’s Mum for volunteering as drivers and extra helpers, without you we wouldn’t have been able to go.
The children started their day at ‘Making It’ by creating a model lighthouse which was a fabulous ending to Mrs Stokes topic on electricity and Mrs Purnell’s Island Home topic. They thoroughly enjoyed their creative project.

Despite the downpour from the sky we had an exciting adventure, discovering how ideas become creations, marketing products through computer games and lots of other interactive games that showed how a product goes from an idea to arriving on the shop floor.

My favourite part was: 
"Filling the bottles with beads," Nico. 
"Drawing in the design area," Brian. 
"Everything!" Keesha

A tired and happy group of children arrived back at school in time for a story before going home.

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