Friday 27 April 2012

Emmanuel School Video Notice

Over the last two weeks Mr Snowdon has been working on a video which shows some of the great things which go on in Emmanuel day in, day out.  Here it is...

If you would like to find out more about the school please do visit the website and get in touch with us.  We'd love to show you around the school and answer any questions you have.

We hope you enjoy the video.

The Early Years Unit - 23rd - 27th April

This half term in the Early Years Unit (EYU) we are learning all about growth.  Despite the rain preventing us going on our spring walk, we have had lots of fun this week.  Here is a little taster...

The Fruit and Veg Shop

First we write a shopping list.
Then we choose the fruit and veg and put it in the trolley.

Finally we pay at the till.

Planting Beans

God asks us to care for his world.  This week the children planted some beans.  We are going to take care of them and if we are patient, one day soon, we will have some bean stalks (hopefully without any castles at the top)!


The children had to thread the roots into the ground so the plants would grow tall and strong.

String Painting

The children dipped string into some paint and enjoyed making patterns on the paper.  They thought it looked like the roots of plants as they grow underground.

Tuesday 24 April 2012

Year 1 and 2 got the term off to a great start with a trip to ‘Making It’ in Mansfield on Wednesday 18th April.  Many thanks to Mr Snowdon and Cassie’s Mum for volunteering as drivers and extra helpers, without you we wouldn’t have been able to go.
The children started their day at ‘Making It’ by creating a model lighthouse which was a fabulous ending to Mrs Stokes topic on electricity and Mrs Purnell’s Island Home topic. They thoroughly enjoyed their creative project.

Despite the downpour from the sky we had an exciting adventure, discovering how ideas become creations, marketing products through computer games and lots of other interactive games that showed how a product goes from an idea to arriving on the shop floor.

My favourite part was: 
"Filling the bottles with beads," Nico. 
"Drawing in the design area," Brian. 
"Everything!" Keesha

A tired and happy group of children arrived back at school in time for a story before going home.