Monday 11 March 2013

Living Eggs

On Monday 4th March Emmanuel was full of 'egg-citment!' as 10 eggs arrived in an incubator.

We waited expectantly and spent all day Tuesday watching and hoping for some signs of life and by the end of the day a few cracks were appearing!

When Mr Snowdon arrived early Wednesday morning, he was delighted to walk into this sight:

Things began to move rapidly and in wasn't long before 2 became 3 and by the end of the day...

and there were 8...take a look at this:

By Thursday all 10 had hatched - Praise God for the wonder of new life.

Once the chicks had dried out and fluffed up it was time to move them out the incubator and into the 'brooder'.

The chicks grow rapidly and it is not long before they are strong enough to be held for a short time.

Thursday 7 March 2013

World Book Day

The children had a wonderful day sharing the enjoyment of reading.  It was a very busy day with lots of activities going on in each classroom and around the school.  God's word was spoken at the heart of the school as each child read a small section of Mark's gospel.  We also celebrated the diverse range of books we have from different cultures around the world.

The older children were able to support the younger members of the school by sharing stories and reading together.

The Year 5 and 6 read the Early Years children some stories and rhymes:

Years 1, 2, 3 and 4 shared their favourite books in pairs:

In the afternoon we welcomed a lady from Derby City Library for some more story telling.

Some Unusual reading

As part of World Book Day the children (and teachers) got busy taking photos of themselves reading in some rather unusual places.  Here are just a few examples:

Wednesday 6 March 2013

A 'flying' trip to Wollaton Hall

 The children used the pictures to remember our trip:

 "We went on a trip to Wollaton Hall," said Lewis and Hannes

"Mrs Edwards and Miss Cartwright give us bread to feed the ducks," explained Rose-Lyn

Lana said "The ducks are really hungry." 

"Harry and Rose-Lyn are feeding the ducks," said Bethany

"The Geese and Ducks really wanted some bread," remembered Harry

Having praised Father God for his marvellous design of birds we met an unexpected 'flying visitor...

"We are having snack with Batman!" explained Nyasha