Wednesday 7 December 2011

The Great Fire Of London

Year 1 and 2 have been learning about The Great Fire of London this half term.  This morning Mrs Purnell and Mr Lee put on their bakers hat and re-enacted how the fire started in the bakers on Pudding Lane. 

Before the fire: All the children made a house to create Pudding Lame.

The Baker puts his bread in the oven and goes to bed.

   Soon the fire begins

The wind blows and the fire takes hold.  Soon the houses are all burnt down.

Carol Singing

On 5th December the Key Stage 2 children went carol singing at the local old peoples home; we also took them some Christmas cards.  The people made us very welcome and were even kind enough to bless us with Christmas gifts for the children and the school.


Key Stage 2 Gym Lessons

This term Key Stage 2 have been working hard practising their gym skills, here is a taster of some of their hard work.


On the beam:


EYU Autumn Walk

On 29th October the Early Years Children went for an Autumn walk around Darley Park.  Look at all the signs
of Autumn we found...

We made a bonfire from all the twigs we found

Walking through the fallen leaves
Looking at God's beautiful creation.
We found a large hollow oak tree.
How many children can you see inside?

Tuesday 18 October 2011

Cell Afternoon: kite flying

On Monday we had our first cell afternoon of the year, themed 'Flying High For Jesus'.  In their cell groups all made and decorated kites before walking round to the park and flying them in the wind.  It was just the right weather for it and despite a few tangled strings, great fun was had by all!


Welcome to Emmanuel School's blog!  Inspired by the year 5 and 6 blog we have created a blog about life at Emmanuel school. Watch this space for lots of news and photos about what the chidren have been getting up, we hope you enjoy it.